When you receive your new wig, it's already pre-styled and practically ready to be worn With a little shake and fluff. 

When it comes to knowing how to put a wig on, there are a few different ways you can follow. However, it can be hard to know which method is best for you, especially if you are just a beginner. In this post, we break down the best methods of how to put on a wig for a variety of hair lengths, so that you can choose which is best suited to you.

How Do You Put on a standard Wig?

First:Prepare your Natural Hair:

Before you put on your wig, you will first need to prepare your hair

1-Little/ No Hair: using a wig cap is always recommended when you have little or no hair, because it will help keep your wig secure on your head.

2-Short Hair: simply brush it back, away from your face

3-Longer Hair: it’s important to pin it up away from the face, keeping it as flat as possible.


Second:Putting your wig on:

after you’ve prepped your hair, it’s time to run through how to put a wig, following these easy steps

1- Hold your wig at the nape "where the label is " with both hands.

2-Tilt your head slightly forward and slip the wig on to your head, starting from front to back 

3-push the front of the wig toward the back, until it’s placed it correctly on your head(below your natural hairline).

4-centre the wig by putting  the tabs in front of the ears, but be sure not to cover them, until you feel the wig is comfortable.

5-Adjust the wig until you get to your desired style, using the adjustable Velcro straps(you can find in the back of the wig).


How to put on a Lace Front Wig for Beginners?

lace front wigs  allow you to experiment with natural-looking hairstyles. 

lace front wigs offer endless styling options, the undetectable hairline allows the wigs to be styled away from the face.

keep in mind: You must take special care to avoid damaging the delicate, ultra-fine monofilament fabric at the front of the wig cap when fitting the wig to your head.

But, how do you put on a lace wig?we will show you the expert tips on how to put on a lace front wig so you can step out with confidence!

 step_1:Do a skin test. 

Do a skin test to determine whether or not you are allergic because some people are allergic to the chemicals used to keep a wig in place.

apply a small amount of the product onto the back of your hand. after a while  observe your skin reaction.

  • If the skin becomes red or irritated, purchase a hypoallergenic wig tape or adhesive to use instead.
  • If the skin is unaffected, you can safely wear the wig.

step-2:prepare your hair

 methods for preparing your hair vary depends on your hair's length, texture and thickness.but you want your hair to be as flat as smooth as possible.

step_3:Put on a wig cap

Apply a wig cap to cover and conceal all natural hair.

step_4:Prepare your skin

Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser and dry it well, then wipe it along your hairline with alcohol.This will remove the excess oils on your skin

step_5:Test the fit of the wig. 

Before you apply any adhesives, you need to make sure the wig fits properly.

step_6:apply some glue on the wig cap

apply the adhesive in thin line along your entire hairline, if it was soft adhesive, allow the glue to dry long enough to become tacky before applying the wig.but if it was  hard adhesive, you can apply the wig immediately.

step_7:wear the wig and cut off the lace:

 Carefully pull the wig on, once you press the lace into the adhesive, it’s very hard to remove.

step_8: pre pluck the hairline and make baby hair

step_9:Style your wig

 style your wig and admire your gorgeous new