Lace Wig According To The Color Of Lace
1-Transparent LACE
- Most commonly used
- Can appear light and visible
- Has more of ash tint on some complexions
2-Brown LACE
- Darker tones
- Least worn
- Can appear dark or brown on lighter complexions
- High definition
- Thin lace
- Will appear almost invisible
- More expensive
- Can be worn glue less
Lace Wig According to the Size of Lace Area
1-Lace Closure Wigs
- Lace covers only a small portion usually space in 4x4, 5x5, and up
- Can be used to achieve basic parting installs commonly for middle or side part
- Can come in transparent, brown and HD lace
- Beginner friendly
- Can be worn glue less
2-Lace Front Wigs
- Lace covers front usually 13X4 or 13X6 ear to ear coverage
- Can be used to achieve half up, half down, braided front ,middle and side part
- Can come in transparent, brown and HD lace
- Can be bonded in front only
- Most popular lace wig
3-T-part lace Wigs
- Lace covers only a portion enough for a part creating a T shape parting space a long hairline
- Does not require bleaching, knots or plucking
- Can be worn glue less
- Most affordable
- Least popular
4-360 lace Wigs
- Lace covers front and bottom portion of wig
- Lace will be a circle, covers perimeter of hairline
- Can come in transparent, brown and HD lace
- Can be used to achieve high ponytails updos
- Can be bonded down in front and bottom
5-Full lace wig
- Lace covers entire wig, can be parted in multiple sections
- if you want to achieve that very natural look, fill full lace wigs , it’s the best kind of lace wig you could possible get, or if you want achieve different kind of hairstyle and part it in different kind of ways
- Most expensive
- Can come in transparent, brown and HD lace